Last updated: 05/02/2025

West Park Lighting - COMPLETED

Walking & Cycling Network

Small Scale Project (£1m - £4m) 

This project, completed in July 2024, has made pedestrian and cycleway improvements by extending the existing lighting to link up the northern entrance at Princess Street and King Street to the north-west entrance at the Robert Bakewell gates to National Cycle Route 6, and to cover the southern side of the park from the leisure centre entrance to the central play facilities (the south-west orbital) and from the central play facilities to the Broad Street Bridge (the south-east orbital).   

This improved lighting is anticipated to encourage more use of the park both as a walking and cycling destination and as a through route during twilight hours.

The map below shows where new lighting has been introduced.

The band stand in West Park has now also been connected with a power supply making it an even better venue for outdoor events, concerts etc.  For further details or to book the bandstand – or one of the several other sites available from the council - please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..