Waterfront and Events Space Update.
West Park Leisure Hub Project.
Last updated: 16/06/2022.
After their appointment in March, Arcadis have been designing a new Waterfront area for the area of West Park that is next to the canal. EBC, Arcadis, and the Canal and Rivers Trust have been working together to look at options and a finalised design is anticipated soon.
Events Space
The council has now developed a detailed design for the car park with in the events field area. Tenders have now been received for the scheme’s construction. The information will be used to form the basis of the council’s outline business case.
Galaxy Row Development Brief.
Galaxy Row Project.
Last updated: 16/06/2022.
The Galaxy Row Development Brief is now available on the Galaxy Row page of the website.
Box Office Update.
Box Office Project.
Last updated: 12/04/2022.
On Friday 25th February the Town Deal Board approved a variation to the Box Office project that now means it will go out to tender as a ‘cinema-led cultural offer’. This proposal came about after responses received from the soft-market test the Council carried out earlier in the year. The change has been submitted to the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Committees for approval.
Stable Block Update.
Stable Block Project.
Last updated: 16/06/2022.
Erewash Borough Council is happy to announce that Baily Garner have been appointed as the contractor to develop the designs for the Stable Block’s conversion into commercial office space. Getting planning permission and listed building consent will be the next stage. Watch project champion Ian Viles speak about the plans in this video.
See their website for information about the successful bidders: https://www.bailygarner.co.uk/
Galaxy Row Update.
Galaxy Row Project.
Last updated: 12/04/2022.
The Council recently successfully negotiated the purchase of one property adjacent to the Galaxy Cinema and is in discussions with the remaining three land owners. Consultants have been appointed and are in the process of applying for planning permission.
Note: the scaffolding outside the Galaxy Cinema has been erected on the instruction of the owner, to enable some essential repairs to the façade to be made. This does not concern Erewash Borough Council or the redevelopment project.
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